The Hi-Tech of Cloud Service Providers in Healthcare
May 16, 2017
Cloud service providers are popping up everywhere. Many claims to be perfect for healthcare organizations, even though they are not HIPAA compliant and have never worked with a health organization before. It is not that they are lying, they just feel they can handle whatever is thrown at them. The reality is that healthcare facilities have different requirements than other companies, and healthcare agencies should have certain expectations when looking for a good cloud service provider.
Backup and recovery
It is often believed that cloud service providers are responsible for the data stored on their servers, and that is not true. If illegal information is stored on their servers the cloud service provider is not liable. Similarly, the loss of data on their servers is not necessarily considered their fault either.
When you create an SLA with a provider it is important to find out what their data responsibilities are. Best case scenario is a shared responsibility. If you want a backup once a month and data is lost two weeks into a cycle then it is considered your fault for having such a relaxed data backup plan. If data is stored on a server and that server crashes and the data is lost, then in some cases it is still your fault. Providers have an option to store your data on multiple servers. This is an option you should take. Again, make sure the details are ironed out straight from the beginning so there is no confusion later down the road.
Be sure to ask about the provider’s disaster recovery solution. It’s important that the solution is a good fit for your business; that’s the best bet to secure your data under any circumstances.
Data encryption
Encryption is what keeps your data safe from hackers. Providers can have mediocre data encryption set up in their data centers. Verify their level of encryption compared to what you are currently using in your data center. Reputable providers like TOSS have a very high level of encryption.
Companies like TOSS deal with mobile networks and have to have the highest level of encryption across their mobile technologies. When talking to providers find out what their highest level of encryption services are, and then ask about lower levels of protection that may be offered. This way you can see what the potential is, and get a sense of what lower encryption offerings can do for you. Follow the cost versus the encryption level and figure out which one works best for you.
Download the white paper: Managed IT Services For Small Businesses for more information on this topic.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the world that connects devices to the Internet. Everything with a wireless connection and its own IP signature is part of the IoT universe. MRI’s, pacemakers and medical recording equipment are now part of the IoT. All of these devices require two specific things:
Make sure your cloud service provider has the ability to make these two things happen.
Maybe not so high-tech, but very important is the amount of time the provider has been in the business, especially the healthcare business. It is imperative to find a company that is HIPAA certified, and one that has several clients in the healthcare industry. You need to make sure your data is safe with people who know the laws and rules of the industry.
The best cloud service providers keep up with technological innovations as they plan for growth and look forward to ways to provide even better services. Look for a company that is keeping up with the newest of technologies, so you know they will be around in the near future. Get a free assessment and see how TOSS C3 can help you today.
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