How Cloud Hosting Can Help Doctors Survive Disasters
December 22, 2016
Many companies have the luxury of preparedness during critical times. In most cases, these critical times are Christmas, New Years, and other holidays that affect everything from retail stores to State Patrol to hospitals. The word critical is used differently by every business, small or large. However, when the word disaster is used, it can only mean one thing, total destruction. A cloud hosting provider, such as TOSS C3, can help your practice, hospital or clinic be prepared for anything.
How Disaster Recovery Can Help
A disaster can strike at any moment. A disaster is not always caused by Mother Nature. Humans cause more destruction every year than all the natural disasters combined. There is no question if a disaster is going to happen. The question is ‘how quick will it take you to recover?’ Can your medical practice survive a disaster?
An example comes from Forbes magazine; “A deadly EF5 tornado struck Joplin, Mo., in 2011, leaving 158 people dead and more than a thousand others hurt. The storm caused $2.8 billion in damages.” However, a small company that was totally prepared for any disaster “was back up and running in just five hours, and all of its customers were able to conduct business as usual in just 72 hours – even though its office building had been destroyed.” For more information about cloud hosting providers and consultants:
The Cloud versus Backup
Almost every business has their data backed up. This data is typically stored on tape or some other media device and stored on-site. If a fire were to break out then the servers and the backup data would both be wiped out. Some companies keep their backups at a different location than their servers. This is a better idea, but what happens when the site with the backups are burned down. All the archived data is lost.
Emergency Management explains how “cloud computing reduces concerns about whether the data center will survive a disaster. Businesses and agencies are good at copying and backing up data, but the real challenge is restoring the applications to keep essential services and critical functions online. Entire servers, including systems, applications and data can be copied, backed up and be ready to activate in another data center in a matter of minutes.” Backing up and storing data is the easy part. The hard part is restoring all that data in an efficient way; possibly to a different location if need be. For details about how TOSS C3 can help you develop a disaster recovery plan:
How Often Do Businesses Get Destroyed?
That is a good question, and one that cannot be answered. What can be answered is how many businesses recover from a disaster. According to Property Casualty 360, somewhere between “40 to 60 percent” of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster. Talk to a cloud hosting provider today to minimize a disaster threat to your practice.
When it comes to data recovery in the healthcare industry, the stakes are higher than ever before. Hackers are starting to target small hospitals and clinics. They freeze the organizations’ computers and will not release them until an amount of money is paid. This is called a ransomeware attack. Find out how to protect your medical facility, buy the book ‘Easy Prey: How to Protect Your Business From Data Breach, Cybercrime and Employee Fraud’.
Having the ability to shut down the network manually and have it fully functional within a couple of hours can thwart hackers, fires, and the worst of natural disasters. Don’t leave the survival of disasters to chance, protect your data.
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