5 Cyber Security Predictions in CPA Firms for 2017
June 9, 2017
Cyber crime is real and it’s heading your way. Look at what’s happening to these accounting firms around the nation:
While these were some of the more publicized events hackers were bragging about last year, it is important for CPA firms to understand the very real risks of cyber attacks.
Keep up with cybersecurity news:
Predicting the Next Cyber Attack
CPAs are taking notice of these and other data breaches. The American Institute of CPAs has launched their new Cybersecurity Resource Center to help accountants begin to counteract the threat.
The Journal of Accountancy suggests that, in addition to taking steps toward protecting your firm’s data, CPAs can provide counsel to clients or organizations that are developing steps to counteract cyber terrorism. You are, in effect, the canary in the coal mine when it comes to controlling access to your client’s data. CPAs also develop the budgets for adding cyber security measures for their clients.
As the threat grows, the team at TOSS C3 has compiled five key security precautions that you should consider now – before you fall victim to a cyber attack:
Now that you’re terrified for the future security of your firm’s data, we have a solution to help keep you, your data, and your client’s information safe from prying hackers.
Managed Service Providers – Your Best Defense
A managed service provider can help your CPA team mitigate the risks of cyber security by developing a game plan to monitor and evaluate the network for any encroachments. To find out more contact TOSS C3 or buy the book ‘Easy Prey: How to Protect Your Business From Data Breach, Cybercrime and Employee Fraud.’
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